A Limited Liability Company registered in Washington State and headquartered in Walla Walla, WA USA

BERRI™ (Bio-Environmental Resource Recovery International), currently a Limited Liability Company registered in Washington State and headquartered in Walla Walla, WA, is a uniquely innovative bio-tech company. BERRI transforms hazardous landfill materials into safe, nutrient-rich dirt, which improves soil, water, and air quality.

BERRI’s bio-remediation methods recycle our planet’s resources that are hidden in unusable and hazardous bi-products found in the agricultural industry, the petroleum industry, and municipal landfills.

BERRI is capable of dealing with a wide range of waste materials that typically are harmful to the environment and frequently are a significant health hazard. Most of these materials eventually find their way into large and sometimes poorly managed landfills that do not conform to regulatory oversight procedures—particularly true in less industrialized nations.

Areas BERRI has demonstrated revolutionary capabilities

Initial test

From May through July 2007, testing done at Rattlesnake Ridge Landfill, Bingham County, Idaho, demonstrated the accelerated composting of dead bovine specimens, manure, and green waste. Chips made from plywood containing formaldehyde, creosote coated railroad ties, and tree trimmings provided porosity. Diapers, catalogs, tire pieces, other miscellaneous MSW, large amounts of grass clippings, and leather were also processed. The end result was toxic free, extremely high quality organic compost.

Toxic waste

From September to October 2008, BERRI demonstrated its ability to render polyaromatic hydrocarbons in oil sludge non-toxic. Hydrocarbons were eliminated and high concentrations of dibenzofurans were rendered non-detectable. Dibenzofurans are closely related to PCBs and dioxin.

Sewage treatment

From to September to November 2009, testing done at Rexburg, Idaho, Water Reclamation Plant demonstrated the ability of the MARS process to convert bio-solids to high quality, nutrient rich compost, with no traces of any pathogens.

Municipal solid waste

From August to November 2010, testing done at Rattlesnake Ridge Landfill in Bingham County, Idaho, BERRI demonstrated the MARS process ability to convert municipal sound waste to usable soil/compost. With the MARS process and recycling, BERRI can reduce the amount of MSW that needs to be buried at a landfill by over 80 percent. PCBs, diesel fuel, gasoline, adhesives, leather, and many pesticides were completely eliminated. See preliminary test results in the last few pages of this brochure.


Advantages of the BERRI MARS process

BERRI™ (Bio-Environmental Resource Recovery International), currently a Limited Liability Company registered in Washington State and headquartered in Walla Walla, WA, is a uniquely innovative bio-tech company. BERRI transforms hazardous landfill materials into safe, nutrient-filled dirt, and improves soil, water, and air quality to enhance health.

View our brochure

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