

Landfills are filling up and closing down. New and/or expanded landfills are needed. The amount of garbage being buried will only increase. The costs of these landfills will only increase. BERRI’s process solves these problems and can reduce the amount to be buried in a landfill by ~75%.

Selenium exposed with the atmosphere will form selenite and selenate. If sulfide minerals are associated, sulfuric acid may result. Selenium is toxic to animals at concentrations as low as a 2-3 parts per million. BERRI eliminates this problem by adding black dirt (produced at the site), organic carbon sources and microbial growth stimulators to produce complexation and immobilization of selenium.


The paper industry creates dioxins in the paper creation process. These dioxins are carcinogens. These dioxins are stockpiled via hundreds of thousands of acres throughout the USA. BERRI’s process is expected to disassemble odiferous thiocompounds and chlorinated carcinogenic compounds that are present in pulp mill effluent. The method will produce nutrient-rich, moisture-holding soil-enhancing black dirt.

Post Natural Disaster Reclamation

BERRI’s process remediates millions of tons of construction debris as a result of a natural disaster into black dirt right at the site.

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